Tuesday, April 17, 2012


In the original game, there were eight weapons planned. That's pathetic.

Now, I decided to make loads of 'em, a near infinte amount of them: ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the random weapon generator! With a small Borderlands-wibe, I made the weapons generate by random.

OWAF GME87-B2 Laser rifle shooting
The weapon name consists of manufacturer, model, version, add-on and type. The manufacturer and version number affect the base damage of each weapon, and the model affects other stats like clip size and firerate. Add-ons are somewhat rare weapon modifiers, which can make the weapon to fire in bursts, for example.

As you can see, the main game engine is near complete. All of the gazillion weapons work, and the character moves as it should. I took some of the graphics from the original game, as you see :) Some of the new graphics are placeholders, though (eg. the weapon silhouette)


  1. Awesome! That's some serious detail.
    Wouldn't even know how to start coding something like that.

    Very interesting project! I like the theme. :)

  2. Only one addon per weapon? Booooooo!

  3. Yaaaay! Borderlands is my favourite game so this makes the deal a lot sweeter!
