Saturday, September 10, 2011

New map

A known fact: the old map system sucks ass. That's why I made a new one with a more graphical approach:
The new map system, which actually shows the terrain!

The new map shows the terrain and all the important stuff you need to see, including area names, settlements, merchant and medical station locations, waypoints etc. It also shows your exact position instead of just highlighting the screen you are in. As you can see the map is hidden and will open gradually as you explore new areas.


  1. Nice improvement. Also a good idea will be if the higher level areas are highlighted in red.

  2. Game's nice but can you make climbing ladders faster as your running speed? It really slows down the gameplay.

  3. Anon1: Sounds alright, I'll keep that in my mind. :)

    Anon2: That's a great idea, thanks! I'll definately make endurance affect the player's running speed! :)
