Monday, March 28, 2011

Storyline quests done!

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that all the main storyline quests for version 0.3.0 are done. The story quests include exploring new areas, kicking some devastator butt and a boss battle! I couldn't resist adding even more areas into the game because they were needed in the last current story quest.

Another cool feature I just added is screen shaking. So whenever there's an explosion in the screen, the whole screen vibrates. Neat, eh?

Now I have to finish with the side quests, do some fixes and make all kinds of little stuff. Then it's 0.3.0 version time!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Screenshot time!

Hi guys! It's time to reveal one of the areas of the upcoming version 0.3.0. In the enclosed screenshot you can see Edge Point, the town in the very edge of the gameplay area of the upcoming update. This is not the end of the final game world though, in future releases the wasteland will expand even further.

The town is at the moment very empty with only the nurse and the shopkeeper. The town will of course get populated before the upcoming relase.

The currently very empty town of Edge Point
The large image actually consists of three screenshots put together, so in the game the town is split into three screens. The ladder in the middle naturally leads to the railway station of the town.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog update & Simp-pelit logo

I changed the blog so that everyone should now be able to post comments without registration/Google account. I had accidently left the default setting which required registration enabled. Now that you can, feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section!

Besides main progress with the game, I designed a new logo for my game developer name, Simp-pelit. The new logo will replace the ugly flashing "SP" -text in the startup of Devastated. What do you guys think?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Let there be boss battles!

After a while of planning, I decided to add a boss battle to 0.3.0. I won't reveal you what kind of boss it will be, but I will guarantee a hectic battle against devastators.

I have enclosed a map of the new areas of the upcoming version. With the new areas, the wasteland will nearly double its size. The game area now consists of a whopping amount of screens, 172 in total.

A crappy paint-scetch of the new areas

Friday, March 11, 2011

All new areas finished!

The release of version 0.3.0 is getting closer and closer! I just finished making the new areas of the game. In total there is now 172 screens in the game. The new areas have more variety than the old ones, so the player gets to see different kinds of scenery.

The next thing to do is add new quests in the world, and there are lots of them to add. Stay tuned for more blog entries!